
Saturday, November 12, 2011


I've posted earlier that I would like a date but now I wish I had a little more time. I think we all get to that point. I have a list of things to do before my hubby comes home. You know that list you let slack because its just you and the kids and he isn't here to really care. Or he may not care even if he was here list. Well, we are traveling this coming week and he is suppose to return some time between the day we leave and the day we get back.

I have done some of my things on my list, but it seems to grow longer this is what my list looks like.

  1. Laundry -wash and put away (never ending)
  2. Get boxes our of living room (done)
  3. Mop kitchen & living room (found out my Shark mop is clogged)
  4. Clean bathrooms
  5. Finish pulling weeds (still hasn't been done)
  6. Clean up bed room
  7. Get something together for a welcome home present.
    1. Set up on the table (day we leave)
  8. Clean upstairs (kids rooms and toy room)
  9. Put Holiday cards in the mail (address, stamped and waiting to be put in the mail)
I've added somethings.
  1. Make a poster
  2. Drop keys of with a friend
  3. Drop the cat off at the boarding 
  4. Print off
    1. itineraries
    2. directions to the boarding place
    3. Verizon wireless
  5. Clean Bag Balm off the floor in Patrick's room.
I tell you this list is getting longer not shorter. I know you are looking at that last one going Bag Balm really? Yes my 3 year old decided that the whole container of bag balm would serve better purpose on his carpet than in the container. There is more to that story but will elaborate on another day. So happy my hubby is coming home soon and can enjoy these little moments. 

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